The Department of English offers six plus two - semester graduate course
BA English Language, Literature & Communication
Board of Studies (BoS)
Being an Autonomous Institution, the College has a Board of Studies to ensure the proper and smooth functioning of the academic matters. The following are the functions of the Board of Studies:
- Prepare the curriculum for various courses keeping in view the objectives of the College;
- Suggest a panel of names to the Controller of Examinations for appointment of question paper setters and examiners;
- Co-ordinate research, teaching, extension and any other academic activity in the department or college;
- Suggest methodologies for innovative teaching and evaluation techniques;
- Monitor teaching, learning in the College through assessment of learners’ performance and suggest improvement / modification on the basis of such assessment;
- Change, modify / improve the curriculum in a subject, if necessary, after assessment of learner's performance, teachers' opinions and new developments in the subject.
The meeting of the members of the Board of Studies is held as and when required.